Prayer from the Valley
Prayer from the Valley of Grief

Dear Lord, help me with this pain and grief of losing someone so very precious in my life. Here I am Lord, forgive me. I’m aching for your love! Sometimes I have no words, but simply tears. Thank you, God, for loving me so much that you sent Jesus to die for me. Lord, I know you understand my suffering as you experienced the same with your Son. Your mercy and grace are beyond my comprehension. Because of the cross, I will see you again my precious one. I lay all my troubles, fears, and worries at your feet. Lord, my strength comes from you. Even in the darkest corners of my thoughts, mind, and heart, I know you made me. I am humbled in your presence. I give you my pain, grief, and heartache. Thank you for meeting me on my knees at the cross. I find my hope in you. Through you, everything is possible. I know your light will guide me through all the difficult days, I just have to trust you. Dear Lord, show me the way! I pray for strength to help me through this long journey of grief. May your light brighten my path. Help me to praise you and give you all the glory! Help us to all join hands during this Christmas season. Lord, I will try to walk in the beauty of your love for me. In Christ’s name, I pray, Amen.
This prayer was created from all the entries from one of our caption contests. Each part is a contribution from a member of our Ellie's Way Group that provides encouragement and support to the grieving!
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This prayer was created from all the entries from one of our caption contests. Each part is a contribution from a member of our Ellie's Way Group that provides encouragement and support to the grieving!
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Posted in Prayer
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